
The Bachelor of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom and the Master of Islamic Philosophy and Theology programs were launched at the Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies in 2010 and 2013 respectively.

Educational Focus:

The educational focus of the department is on the topics of Sadra'i and Masha'i philosophy.

Research Focus:

The main research focus of the department is on the Islamic philosophy and its different schools and comparative topics.

Programs of Study:

Presently, the Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom and the Islamic Philosophy and Theology are offered at the BA and MA level respectively.

Number of Faculty Members:

The Department of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom currently has 4 active members: one associate professor and three assistant professors.

Number of Students:

There are 108 students studying at the BA level and 30 at the MA level, and so far some 175 students at the BA level and 13 at the MA level have graduated.


Despite the young age of the programs of study in the Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies of the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, the faculty members of the department enjoy sufficient experience in teaching, training and scientific writing including books and papers, and are well-suited to perform educational and research duties and to guide theses in different levels.

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