Esmaeil Khaleghi

Ph.D. in Pomology

Assistant Professor

Email: Khaleghi@scu.ac.ir

Tel: +98 61 33364053

Fax: +98 61 33330079


Published Books


Title: Onion

Author: Dr. Nasser Alamzadeh Ansari


Title: Soil water plant relationship

Author: Dr. Abdorrahman Barzegar, Dr. Noorollah Moallemi


Title: Research methods in agriculture

Author: Dr. Abdorrahman Barzegar, Dr. Noorollah Moallemi


Title: Flowering and alternate bearing in olive and its control methods

Author: Esmaeil Khaleghi, Kazem Arzani



The field of horticulture science examines the planting, conservation, cultivation, the post-cultivation issues, improvement, and other related areas to horticultural plants (fruit, vegetables, ornamental plants, and medicinal plants). The goal of this major is to train individuals capable of working as an expert in different fields of production and regional planning, and also, as an instructor and researcher in research, analysis, and academic agriculture centers, or serve as an executive in production, cooperate, and private units of the agricultural and green-space sector.

The student admission in the master's degree of horticulture science is conducted in four subdisciplines of pomology, olericulture, floriculture, and herbalism, and at the Ph.D. level (since 2013), in pomology and (starting 2016) production and postharvest physiology of horticultural crops.

In Department of Horticulture Science, 10 faculty members (one full professor, five associate professors, and four assistant professors) are responsible for teaching the specialized courses and also, researching the production, modification, and postharvest procedures of horticultural crops. Also, five laboratory technicians and two gardeners assist the department in the experimental and applied aspects of holding classes, student projects, theses, and arrangements. The laboratory, research, and operation equipment of Department of Horticulture Science includes five laboratories, one grow-room, an experiment farm, a collection of olive cultivars, and a mushroom grow-room.



Quality Analysis Lab

Technical Officer: Mehrangiz Khoshbakht

Equipment: High speed refrigerated centrifuge, pH meter, Lab and analytical balances, Spectrophotometer, Flame photometer, Oven, Bain-marie, Incubator, -70 degree Freezer, Penetrometer

Horticultural Plants Physiology Lab

Technical Officer: Zohreh Amini

Equipment: Leaf water potential meter, Leaf area meter, Root area meter, Spectrophotometer, Centrifuge, Oven, TLC tank, -20 degree Freezer, Color meter

Chromatography Lab

Technical Officer: Marjan Moeinfar

Equipment: Gas chromatography (GC), High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

Horticultural Plants Breeding

Technical Officer: Safdar Pourmombeini

Equipment: Clevenger, Rotary, Homogenizer, Lab and analytical balances, Leaf chamber analyzer

Tissue Culture

Technical Officer: Khalil Asadivafa

Equipment: Bain-marie, PCR, Lab and analytical balances, Electrophoresis, Autoclave, Hotplate, Vortex, pH meter, Laminar hood, Microfuge, Light box

Ornamental Plants and Plant Growth Regulators

Technical Officer: Daryoosh Pourghasemi

Equipment: Germinator, UC cabinet, Chemical hood


Faculty Members:


Title & Field of Study



Noorollah Moallemi

Ph.D. in Pomology from University of Franche-Comté (France)



Nasser Alamzadeh Ansari

Ph.D. in Olericulture from Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Russia)

Associate Professor


Esmaeil Khaleghi

Ph.D. in Pomology from Tarbiat Modares University (Iran)

Assistant Professor


Seyed Abdollah Eftekhari

Ph.D. in Vegetables Physiology and Breeding from Tehran University (Iran)

Associate Professor


Mehrangiz Chehrazi

Ph.D. in Ornamental Plants from Tehran University (Iran)

Associate Professor


Seyed Mohammad Hassan Mortazavi

Ph.D. in Pomology from Tarbiat Modares University (Iran)

Associate Professor


Moosa Mousavi

Ph.D. in Pomology from Tarbiat Modares University (Iran)

Assistant Professor


Mohammad Mahmoodi Soorestani

Ph.D. in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants from Tarbiat Modares University (Iran)

Associate Professor


Maryam Zolfaghari

Ph.D. in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Tehran University (Iran)

Assistant Professor


Shohreh Zivdar

Ph.D. in Pomology from Tarbiat Modares University (Iran)

Assistant Professor


Somayeh Esmaeili Khuygani Ph.D. in Ornamental Plants from Shiraz University Assistant Professor s.esmaeili@scu.ac.ir
Edris Shabani Ph.D. in Vegetables Physiology from University of Tabriz Assistant Professor edris.shabani@scu.ac.ir