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Chancellor of SCU: Prof. Ali Mohammad Akhond Ali, from 2022

Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz is the heir to the oldest Iranian university named "Gundishapur" which was established some 1700 years ago during the rule of the Sassanids in the current province of Khuzestan. Resuming its operations in a new era, the university began its activities in 1955 with the establishment of the College of Agriculture in Ahwaz. In line with the scientific needs of the country and the province, other majors and colleges were added, and the university was renamed "Shahid Chimran University of Ahwaz" in 1983. With its 14 faculties of Letters and Humanities, Theology, Economics and Social Sciences, Archeology, Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Water Sciences, Educational Sciences and Psychology, Mathematical Sciences and Computer, Earth Sciences, Agriculture, Engineering, and Art, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz is the largest university in the southwest of the country and holds a place among Iran's comprehensive universities. The brilliant scientific and research activities in different departments of the university has brought about the hosting of the scientific poles of continuing education, knowledge management, health, and buffalo diseases. Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz has 583 faculty members, 7512 undergraduate students, 3110 graduate students, and 1234 Ph.D. candidates.

In addition to the 14 faculties and their educational departments in Shahid Chimran University of Ahvaz, other scientific and research centers are also engaged in teaching and research activities each with educational and research purposes in accordance with the needs of the province and the country; These centers are as follows: The Center for teaching Persian to Speakers of Other Languages (Azfa), the University's Language Center, the Association for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature - Khouzestan Branch, Drilling Research Center, Research Center for Behavioral Sciences, Regional Research Center for Microdust, Research Center of Geology and Oil Geochemistry, Drainage Research Center; and Research Center for Gas Supply Networks.

In view of geographical, historical, and archeological attractions, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz is located in a province whose cultural and ethnical diversity has made it particularly attractive. In addition to the national and spiritual attractions of the Iran-Iraq War period, this province is ranked first for its monuments and archaeological sites. In fact, Khuzestan is the only province in which three historical monuments, namely the Shoushtar waterfalls, the historical city of Shoush, and the Chogha Zanbil Ziggurat, have been registered by UNESCO, making it the most prominent region for historical and archeological tourism in Iran.

Using the existing infrastructure, relying on its long-standing and valuable experience, and utilizing the knowledge and efforts of its current faculty members, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz aims to become one of the country's five comprehensive universities in the decade to come.