Published Books

Title: Pesticides Manual

Translator: Dr. Ebrahim Soleimannezhadian

Title: Food, Crop Pests and the Environment

Translator: Dr. Parviz Shishehbor

Title: Semi-Descriptive List of the Arthropoda

Author: Dr. Mohammd Saeid Mosadegh, Dr. Farhan Kocheili

Title: Detection and Isolation of Soil Fungi

Translator: Dr. Reza Farrokhinezhad, Dr. Seyed Ali Mousavi Jorf

Title: Taxonomic and Biologic Characteristic of Parasitoids

Author: Dr. Parviz Shishehbor, Dr. Arash Rasekh

Title: Mites for Pest Control

Translator: Dr. Parviz Shishehbor

Title: Principles of Plant Pests Control

Author: Dr. Ali Asghar Seraj

Title: Biological Control by Natural Enemies

Translator: Dr. Parviz Shishehbor

Title: Termites, Their Recognition and Control

Translator: Dr. Ebrahim Soleimannezhadian

Title: Materials and Methods of Research in Plant Protection and Agricultural Entomology

Author: Dr. Ali Asghar Seraj

Title: Insects Embryology and External Morphology

Author: Dr. Behzad Habibpour, Seyed Abbas Moravej

Title: Plant Clinic Handbook

Translator: Dr. Reza Farrokhinezhad, Dr. Bagher Mahmoodi

Title: Insect Pest Management

Translator: Dr. Parviz Shishehbor



Parviz Shishehbor

Ph.D. in Entomology


Email: pshishehbor@scu.ac.ir

Tel: +98 61 33364051

Fax: +98 61 33330079


Department of Plant Protection was established in 1961 with the task of studying the different aspects of pests' effects and plant diseases. As to the department's research-related achievements (publishing articles and research projects), it has recently achieved the fifth place among all the departments of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Moreover, 13 individuals from SCU were selected as exemplary national professors, two of whom were from Department of Plant Protection.


Department of Plant Protection's mission is to organize such academic programs that prepare students in facing and resolving the potential issues related to pests and plant diseases. Our programs include subjects, such as ecology, biology, and managing pests and plant diseases. Currently, a bachelor's degree program in plant protection and also, master's and Ph.D. programs in agricultural entomology and phytopathology are held.


At this moment, Department of Plant Protection is engaged in the most cutting-edge research that involves various aspects of pests and plant diseases. Research areas in the field of agricultural entomology include applied insect ecology, biological control, insect behavior, insect toxicology, and insect physiology. In the field of phytopathology, research areas are as follows: mycology, fungi molecular systematics, nematology, plant nematode diseases, plant virology, bacteriology, plant-disease causing prokaryotes, plant disease management, and biological control of plant diseases.

Covered Fields of Study

Agricultural entomology


The Latest Number of Faculty Members

Full professor: 3 people

Associate professor: 7 people

Assistant professor: 4 people

The Latest Number of Students

Bachelor's degree students of plant protection: 39 people

Master's degree students: 33 people

Ph.D. students: 37 people


Faculty Members:


Title & Field of Study



Milad Aeini

Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Bu-Ali Sina University (Iran)

Assistant Professor


Sedighe Azimi

Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran)

Associate Professor


Mehdi Esfandiari

Ph.D. in Entomology from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (Iran)

Associate Professor


Reza Farrokhinezhad

Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Colorado State University (Fort Collins - USA)




Behzad Habibpour

Ph.D. in Entomology from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (Iran)

Associate Professor


Seyed Ali Hemmati

Ph.D. in Entomology from Tarbiat Modares University (Iran)

Assistant Professor


Farhan Kocheili

Ph.D. in Entomology from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (Iran)

Associate Professor



Mehdi Mehrabi Koushki

Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran)

Associate Professor


Zahra Mirsoleymani

Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Shiraz University (Iran)

Assistant Professor


Arash Rasekh

Ph.D. in Entomology from University of Tehran (Iran)



Ali Asghar Seraj

Ph.D. in Entomology from Massey University (New Zealand)

Associate Professor


Parviz Shishehbor

Ph.D. in Entomology from The University of Dublin (Ireland)



Saeid Tabein

Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Shiraz University (Iran)

Assistant Professor


Masumeh Ziaee

Ph.D. in Entomology from Tarbiat Modares University (Iran)

Associate Professor




Manager: Dr. Mehdi Mehrabi Koushki, Dr. Zahra Mirsoleymani

Equipment: Incubator, Oven, Laminar flow hood/cabinet, Refrigerator, Stereo microscopes, Growth Chamber

Mycology Lab has been active at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz since 2020. Development of postgraduate studies in the doctoral level of plant pathology (mycology) in Department of Plant Protection led to the establishment of mycology lab. This lab aims to serve research studies on plant diseases caused by fungi and fungal endophytes in Khuzestan Province and other regions in Iran. This laboratory also provides the possibility of training specialists in mycology and fungal diseases. Other pursued activities include teaching the students, fulfilling the theses at MSc and PhD levels of plant pathology, and arranging mycology workshops. Mycology lab is linked with the molecular genetic lab for molecular researches on fungi.


Manager: Dr. Sedighe Azimi

Equipment: microscope equipped with digital camera, microscope equipped with drawing tube, stereomicroscopes, centrifuge, scale, laboratory refrigerator, freezer, incubator, series of extraction sieves, extraction trays

The nematology laboratory was established in 2020 in the department of Plant Protection at the College of Agriculture. The activities that take place in this laboratory including: Extraction of plant-parasitic nematodes as well as free-living and predator nematodes from the soil and various plant organs, performing tests to determine the infestation of nurseries, greenhouses, fields and gardens with important plant-parasitic nematodes, identification of nematodes based on morphological, morphometric and molecular characteristics, collection of microscopic slides related to new species in Iran and the world, holding educational courses, execution of research projects, masters and doctoral dissertations.


Manager: Dr. Hamid Alvani

Equipment: microscopes, stereomicroscopes, incubators, refrigerators, various Laboratory glassware, video projector and projector digital camera

The lab has a rich herbarium collection which contains different preserved plant diseases specimens collected from different regions of Iran. Different microscope slides of different pathogens are prepared and stored in this laboratory. Practical work in this lab helps students to learners and understands signs and symptoms of specimens and the students could study all types of pathogens such as fungi or nematodes microscopically or macroscopically.


Manager: Dr. Masumeh Ziaee

Equipment: HPLC, Chemical hood, Probe bearing ultrasonic, ultrasonic bath, Electrical Furnace

The activities carried out in Toxicology lab are including: Synthesis, and characterization of new natural-based formulations of pesticides and evaluation their activity to control insect pests in green spaces, greenhouses, fields, gardens. Evaluation efficacy of insecticides against insect pests, and their side effects on biological control agents. Dose-response assessment testing of insecticides. Performance of pesticide residue analyses. Our training courses for MSc and PhD students cover all aspects of pesticide testing, pesticide formulation technology, etc.


Manager: Dr. Saeid Tabein, Dr. Milad Aeini

Equipment: Gradient Thermocycler, ELISA Reader, Growth ChamberLaminar flow hood, Water Bath, Incubator, Germinator

New virology and bacteriology laboratory was established at Department of Plant Protection, in 2020. Khuzestan province, southwest Iran, has a potential condition to occur plant viruses and evolve new species, specifically about ssDNA geminiviruses. Therefore, this prompted us to the research on plant viruses in this region of the country. In Bacterial lab, we are interested in topics such as, plant-microbe interaction, plant associated bacteria, plant pathogenic bacteria, and bacteria in bioremediation.


Manager: Dr. Behzad Habibpour

Equipment: Student microscopes, Research microscopes, Binocular microscopes, Oven, Chemical laboratory fume hood, Refrigerator, Precision digital/electronic balance, Hot plate, Magnetic Stirrer

The acarology laboratory is a part of Plant Protection Department. The main fields of scientific and educational activities and research of the Laboratory of Acarology are including: Studies on Taxonomy, systematics and biology of Mites (spider mites and predatory mite species). Studies on the biodiversity of mite fauna in soil and in agricultural environments. Laboratory examination of infested plants and conducting of graduate theses and student training. Our Team produces laboratory-reared insects such as edible insects and termites.


Manager: Prof. Arash Rasekh

Equipment: Beekeeping tools, Incubator, very accurate scale Oven, Stereo microscopes

The beekeeping station includes an apiary and two laboratories with equipment related to bee breeding and research activities. This station has been starting its activity since 1983 and many graduate students have performed their thesis research on this area. Most of the research topics focus on nutrition, behavior, and pest management of honeybees. We are interested in conducting research in these fields.


Manager: Dr. Arash Rasekh and Dr. Mehdi Esfandiari

Equipment: Microscopes, Stereo microscopes, Incubator, Fume hood, Oven, Refrigerator, rearing cages

This laboratory aims to identify important species of natural enemies and determine the best and most economical methods for their mass rearing. In this laboratory, postgraduate students conduct their research in this field. Also, in this center, mass rearing of these beneficial insects will be done and samples will be provided to farmers. It is supported and equipped with a series of incubators at incubator room to provide a controlled environment for the growth of insects


Manager: Mahnaz Farzin

Equipment: Microscopes, Stereo microscopes, Berlese funnel, Insect storage cabinets and video projector

In the entomology laboratory, activities such as identification of insects, pests, predators and parasitoids are carried out. Moreover, collection of various insects especially those of economic importance are being done in this laboratory. The practical part of various agricultural entomology courses in the undergraduate and graduate levels are also taught in this laboratory.


Manager: Prof. Parviz Shishehbor

Equipment: Several incubators, Insect rearing cages, Stereo microscopes,

In this laboratory several M. Sc. and Ph. D. students are working on their projects. These projects are related to biological control of insects and mite pests. Our research is mostly focused on parasitoids and predators of insects and mites of field and glasshouse crops. Most of the research in this laboratory is related to the mass production of natural enemies to promote biological control of pests and to reduce pesticide use and impacts on the environment. We also work on diversity and abundance of soil and water mites.


Curator: Dr. Mehdi Esfandiari

Equipment: Microscopes, Stereo microscopes, insect drawers, and cabinets

Insect and Mite Collection of Ahvaz (IMCA), located at the Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran. It was established in 1963 in the College of Agriculture, Molasani, north Ahvaz, by Dr. Seyed Hossein Hodjat and Dr. Siavash Tirgari. Then it was moved to its current place in 1972 and later, Dr. Mohammad Saeed Mossadegh played an important role in the growth and improvement of the collection. The collection includes thousands of local and exotic species (including some paratypes) from Iran and some other countries. Special groups include Apoidea, Coccinellidae, Noctuoidea, Aphidoidea, Acridoidea, Acari, etc., some of which are unique in the Middle East. This collection is the third largest of its kind in Iran. At present, Dr. Mehdi Esfandiari is the curator of the collection. Thanks to Mr. Babak Mahmoudi for his help in operating. Identification of insect fauna is the main goal and MSc and PhD theses as well as other projects are performed resulting in several publications.


Manager: Dr. Ali Asghar Seraj

Equipment: Cages, stereo microscopes

Growth room of Plant Protection Department allow researchers to control the environmental conditions when studying insects and provide the precise environmental conditions for optimal and healthy growth of insects.  They can control humidity, temperature, light, and other factors. Entomologists use growth room for insect rearing and studying the effect of insect pests or their predators on plants.


Manager: Dr. Seyed Ali Hemmati

Equipment: Incubator, Oven, Chemical hood, Refrigerator, Stereo microscopes

The physiology Lab specializes in biochemistry and molecular biology of insect digestion, particularly digestive enzyme inhibition. Our scientific work focuses on nutritional indices and digestive enzyme activities of insects both from basic research and applied control perspectives. We try to integrate computational methods (as a tool for designing a potent inhibitor), molecular biology, biochemistry and physiology to address fundamental and applied aspects of these interactions with emphasis on insect pest control. We are proud members of the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz Plant Protection Department.


Manager: Dr. Mehdi Esfandiari

Equipment: Microscopes, Stereo microscopes, Oven, Refrigerator, Insect photography equipments, Light traps, Malaise trap, Insect nets, Berlese funnel, and other insect collecting and preparing materials

Research in our Lab of insect systematics is focused on insect systematics/taxonomy, and biodiversity, in connection with population variation aspects. We use both classic and molecular (e.g. COI gene) methods. We also conduct expeditions to explore local fauna and inventories it which is far from complete. We conduct research mostly on Noctuoidea moths, but also on other insect groups.


Technical Officer: Babak Mahmoudi

Equipment: PCR, -70 °C freezer, Electrophoresis, Freeze drier, Centrifuges, ELISA reader, Fluorescent microscope

The Molecular Genetics Lab of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz was established in 2012. This lab provides a professional place for conducting molecular researches related to the identification of plant pathogens including fungi, nematodes, prokaryotes (phytoplasmas, spiroplasmas and bacteria), and meso-biotic agents (viruses, viroids and virusoids). The research interests of this lab also include the comprehensive studies on the molecular phylogeny and systematics, biochemistry, molecular biology, host/resistance, genetics, and functional genomics of plant pathogens; host-phytopathogen interactions and molecular mechanisms involved in these interactions. This lab also provides the possibility of conducting molecular-genetic experiments by Master students, Predocs, Postdocs and Professors, which work on fungi, nematodes, prokaryotes, and viruses.